The story takes place in a fictional world called Arcadia, where life-draining monsters called Thanatos plague the populace. The only ones who have the power to exterminate these creatures are Purifiers, but only a few exist. One day, Angelique, who is just a presumably normal girl attending school, is visited by Nyx, a rich gentlemen, as well as a Purifier, who created an organization comprised of Purifiers dedicated to eliminating Thanatos. Nyx is interested in the potential power she possesses and invites her to join his organization, but she refuses since she wants to become a doctor, like her father. However, when her school is later attacked by a Thanatos, she ends up activating her powers in her want to protect those in danger. After purifying the creature, she finds out she has a unique purifying power, and that is she the one that has been foretold in legends, the "Queen's Egg". It is then that her journey begins, and she becomes the only female Purifier in the world. This series is noted as being quite similar to "Kiniro no Corda", otherwise known as La Corda D'oro/Primo Passo.
Neo Angelique Abyss Opening~Joy To The World
Neo Angelique Abyss Ending~Ai Ai Gasa アイアイ傘 by Tegomass
Neo Angelique Abyss The Second Age Opening~SILENT DESTINY
Neo Angelique Abyss The Second Age Ending~Kataomoi no Chiisana Koi 片想いの小さな恋 ***Coming Soon***
Name 姓名: Kazuki Ho Nickname 昵称: 梦琦之翼 Age 年龄: 17 Birthday 生日: 22th Feb Horoscope 星座: Pisces 双鱼座 Hobbies 爱好: Design设计,Japanese Anime日本动漫,Listening to music听音乐,Taekwondo跆拳道,Kendo剑道,Guitar吉他,Tarot塔罗占卜 Favorite Fruits 喜欢的水果: Strawberry草莓,Watermelon西瓜 Favorite Songs 喜欢的歌: (Play yourself and enjoy them~ 请自己播放喔~慢慢享受~很动听的歌~)
N more n more..(Because there are too much anime songs that i like so i just put these 5 songs only)~~~
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Neo Angelique ~Abyss~ @ 12:18 PM
Neo Angelique ~Abyss~(ネオアンジェリーク Abyss)
The story takes place in a fictional world called Arcadia, where life-draining monsters called Thanatos plague the populace. The only ones who have the power to exterminate these creatures are Purifiers, but only a few exist. One day, Angelique, who is just a presumably normal girl attending school, is visited by Nyx, a rich gentlemen, as well as a Purifier, who created an organization comprised of Purifiers dedicated to eliminating Thanatos. Nyx is interested in the potential power she possesses and invites her to join his organization, but she refuses since she wants to become a doctor, like her father. However, when her school is later attacked by a Thanatos, she ends up activating her powers in her want to protect those in danger. After purifying the creature, she finds out she has a unique purifying power, and that is she the one that has been foretold in legends, the "Queen's Egg". It is then that her journey begins, and she becomes the only female Purifier in the world. This series is noted as being quite similar to "Kiniro no Corda", otherwise known as La Corda D'oro/Primo Passo.
Neo Angelique Abyss Opening~Joy To The World
Neo Angelique Abyss Ending~Ai Ai Gasa アイアイ傘 by Tegomass
Neo Angelique Abyss The Second Age Opening~SILENT DESTINY
Neo Angelique Abyss The Second Age Ending~Kataomoi no Chiisana Koi 片想いの小さな恋 ***Coming Soon***